Monday, June 27, 2011

New People, New Places

It seems so strange that E and I have only been married for a month. Not even a month yet! It feels as if this is how it has always been... us going grocery shopping together, taking turns loading the dishwasher, doing each other's laundry, coming home to be with each other. I love my new normal :)

This past week I started my new job. I call it my new job, but really it is the same job I have been doing for the past five years, just relocated to a new building and with brand new co-workers that I do not know yet. I actually do find myself liking it though! It's not where I want to work forever, but the transition has been so much more easier than I was anticipating.

A week before I left my old store, I had a conversation with one of my managers who had just started in her new workplace. She told me that the first day is always hard, but if you let people see your true personality right away it gets much easier. I am generally a shy person when I first meet new people(especially in a new place where I know only one person) but I took her advice seriously and it really worked wonderfully! I haven't necessarily made any new best friends yet, but I am definitely comfortable talking to everyone and I think I might had made a good impression. We'll just see what happens :)

1 comment:

  1. Whoo hoo-- glad the new job is going so well, even more glad to hear you're loving married life. I think it's a great sign when it all just feels natural. ;)
