To cut a long story short, after a very unfortunate (for him) instance of him needing me to scratch his back and me threatening never to do it, we are now going to be putting up our Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving! I am so happy! I have been picking up some random things for the house over the last few weeks and now I finally get to put them to use. I can not wait! I work 9am to 8pm the day after Thanksgiving, but no matter what I WILL have Christmas decorations up in our house by the time the day is over :)
Growing up in my family, my parents had a tradition of buying my sisters and I a new ornament each year. Our tree always looked a little crazy with all of our different choices but I loved it and I plan to continue that tradition with my own family. This year Ethan picked a few ornaments because he didn't have as many as I did and I bought my pick last week. (Click on the links to see pictures of our ornaments!)