Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Won!

spacer.gifAfter much asking and begging and bargaining with my darling husband, I have finally gotten him to cave! I have been wanting to put up our Christmas decorations for WEEKS now and he was being very stern about the fact that decorations are not to be put up until the first day of December. I, on the other hand, have always thought that the day after Thanksgiving was the Day of Decorating. That's how it always was in my family and I always loved that the holidays just moved right from one to the other this way.

To cut a long story short, after a very unfortunate (for him) instance of him needing me to scratch his back and me threatening never to do it, we are now going to be putting up our Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving! I am so happy! I have been picking up some random things for the house over the last few weeks and now I finally get to put them to use. I can not wait! I work 9am to 8pm the day after Thanksgiving, but no matter what I WILL have Christmas decorations up in our house by the time the day is over :)

Growing up in my family, my parents had a tradition of buying my sisters and I a new ornament each year. Our tree always looked a little crazy with all of our different choices but I loved it and I plan to continue that tradition with my own family. This year Ethan picked a few ornaments because he didn't have as many as I did and I bought my pick last week. (Click on the links to see pictures of our ornaments!) 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Little Randomness

I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to blog about today so I decided that a few random, funny facts would be in order. Everyone can stand a little bit of useless information once in a while! Enjoy!

Things I Learned Today That I Didn't Really Need to Know
*An apple, an onion, and a potato will all taste the same if you eat them with your nose plugged (I intend on getting one of my sister's to try this at Thanksgiving so I can see if it's true!)
*Baskin Robbins once made a flavor of ice cream that was inspired by ketchup
*It is physically impossible for pigs to look up to the sky (Awwwwww)
*Someone on Earth reports seeing a UFO every three minutes
*Zebras are considered to be black with white stripes, not white with black stripes
*A "jiffy" is an actual term for an amount of time- it's equal to 1/100th of a second
*More Monopoly money is printed in a year then real money printed in the world

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tis The Season (Almost)

I am the first to admit it- I am a Christmas-aholic. And a Thanksgivng-aholic. And a Halloween-aholic. I guess I'm just a holiday-aholic! I love this time of year so much that I really do feel like there might be something wrong with me.

I have already started annoying my husband with my lists of things I want to make, hours of scouring the internet for new Christmas decorations, and my slightly irritating habit of leaving him in stores to go look at the holiday displays. I can't help it- to me this is the most exciting and fun time of the year and I always want it to begin as soon as possible. I am so anxious to start baking and wrapping presents and decorating our home!

I have been forbidden from putting up our brand new Christmas tree until the first day of December which is going to be quite hard for me. In my family we always put up the tree the day after Thanksgiving but in my husband's family it was not put up until the calendar changed. I think we might need to compromise and maybe put the tree up on the 28th or so :)
My goals for this Christmas season-
~Go shopping the day after Thanksgiving with my younger sister, complete with Pop-tarts and giant Red Bulls to keep our energy up
~Make an insane amount of cookies
~Donate a gift to a child in need (the church I grew up in always did this every year and I am hoping that my new church will do something similar)
~Play board games and drink wine with my in-laws on Christmas Eve
~Go to Christmas Eve Mass
~Take a ton of pictures of my family
~Drink at least one glass of eggnog
~And I'm sure there will be many more to come!