Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Setting Goals

I have reached the halfway mark! My original weight-loss goal when I started on January 1st was to lose a total of thirty pounds by our first wedding anniversary (June 4th). I am very proud of my progress so far and I find myself wondering why I always thought it was so hard to eat healthier and make myself exercise? It's really just an issue of commitment- I no longer have any excuses as to why I can't be healthy. I have time each day to get up and move and I buy almost all of the groceries that come into our house.

I have an appointment for a routine physical in a few weeks and I am going to be asking the doctor what I should realistically be setting as my ultimate weight loss goal. Thirty pounds is a lot of weight and will definitely be a huge step in making me a healthier, happier person but I will still be technically "overweight" for my height. I want to be the best version of myself that I can so I may be re-setting my goal soon. For now though, I am thrilled with my progress and pretty darn proud that my formerly "skinny day" jeans now require a belt to stay up! :)

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